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The Arcane Arts/Magic

Achieving utmost skill in a craft elevates the practitioner to the esteemed title of Master, a process applicable to nearly any activity one wishes to pursue. However, to transcend mastery is to wield the ethereal force of magic, to elevate one to the rank of Wizard, and enter the realm of the Arcane Arts. For indeed, above all, magic is an art form. It defies standardization, yields unpredictable results, and is uniquely interpreted by each wizard. To engage with magic is to willingly court a spectrum of chaos, with each variant of magic embodying its own brand of tumult. In the face of such intrinsic disorder, attempting to impose a systematic classification is futile.

Even the generic moniker "wizard" has expanded into a multitude of derivations: Magus, Sorcerer, Druid, Necromancer, Pyromancer, Enchanter, Charmer, Chaos Mage, Ghost Eater, etc. Each of these representing a magical specialty of a given wizard. For much like Wizards themselves, magic defies categorization and its complexity is difficult to parse. Just when one school of the Arcane Arts has codified its magical manifesto, another Wizard or magic movement emerges to completely disrupt and redefine the boundaries of what magic can be.

To add to this complexity, a wizard may choose to layer in other influences- Rune Magic, Color Magic, magical specialties, and so on. By mixing and matching various magical expressions, each wizard is incredibly unique in their approach to the Arcane Arts.

Let's examine each of the above, starting with Rune Magic-

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